недеља, 19. мај 2019.


Goce Cvetanovski, jury member/član žirija

Award-winning director and producer from Macedonia. He studied cinema and has lived in Paris, France since 1998. Directed and produced about 20 short films, screened at over 100 film festivals in the world. A big comics fan, in 2014 he becomes co-founder of the comic books publishing company “Komic Brew” based in Scotland, UK. In 2015, he becomes creative director of Lynx Animation Studios and returns to Macedonia to live his dream and work in a 2D animation studio. At the moment, Goce is preparing start of production of the first Macedonian feature animation ever, the space-opera comedy “John Vardar vs the Galaxy”.

Nagrađivani reditelj i producent iz Makedonije. Od 1998. godine živeo je u Parizu, gde je pohađao studije filma. Režirao i producirao oko 20 kratkih filmova, prikazanih na preko 100 filmskih festivala u svetu. Kao veliki ljubitelj stripova, 2014. godine postao je suosnivač izdavačke kuće za stripove „Komic Brew“ sa sedištem u Škotskoj. Godine 2015. postaje kreativni direktor Lynx studija i vraća se u Makedoniju da živi svoj san i radi u 2D studiju animacije. U ovom trenutku, Goce priprema početak proizvodnje prvog makedonskog  dugometražnog animiranog filma,“Džon Vardar protiv galaksije”.

Dragan Dimčić, jury member/član žirija

Born on 24th December 1967 in Belgrade. Graduated film and TV editing at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts and Master of Multimedia Arts at the University of Arts in Belgrade. Since 2003, he is a lecturer at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies, and since 2018 he is an associate professor at the Department of Montage at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. Author and editor of video works and film installations, as well as texts about editing and film language.

Rođen 24.12.1967. u Beogradu. Diplomirani filmski i TV montažer Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti i magistar višemedijske umetnosti Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu. Od 2003. godine je predavač na Visokoj školi elektrotehnike i računarstva a od 2018. je i vanredni profesor na Katedri Montaže na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu. Autor i montažer video radova i filmskih instalacija, kao i tekstova o montaži i filmskom jeziku.

Ivan Ramljak, jury member/član žirija

Born on 25th August 1974 in Zagreb. In professional life, he launched one student radio, cultural club and film festival, also organized plenty of concerts and film screenings, filmed dozens of films that were screened at hundreds of festivals around the world and wrote a few hundred film reviews. He also worked as a journalist and editor for many printed media. He is currently curator of the Short Tuesday at Tuškanac cinema in Zagreb, art director of the Tabor Film Festival and also working on a several new films.

Rođen 25.8.1974. u Zagrebu. U profesionalnom životu je pokrenuo po jedan studentski radio, kulturni klub i filmski festival, organizovao mnoštvo koncerata i filmskih projekcija, snimio desetak filmova koji su bili prikazivani na stotinjak festivala širom sveta i napisao par stotina filmskih kritika. Radio je i kao novinar i urednik za mnoge štampane medije. Trenutno kurira Kratki utorak u kinu Tuškanac u Zagrebu, umjetnički je direktor Tabor Film Festivala i radi na nekoliko novih filmova.

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