понедељак, 6. јун 2016.


Žiri u sastavu
The jury consisting of

Katia Rossini (Belgija), Maja Krajnc (Slovenija), Igor M. Toholj (Srbija),
doneo je sledeće odluke:
have made the following decisions:

Gran Pri za najbolji film festivala – plaketa “MISTER VORKY”
Grand Prix for the Best Film – plaque “MISTER VORKY”:
WOMAN, Adel Oberto, Italy, 2014, Fiction/Igrani film

ŽENA, Adel Oberto, Italija– Gran Pri

Žiri je dodelio nagradu Gran Pri filmu „Žena“. Autor je uspeo da vešto skrene pažnju na težak položaj žena u savremenom društvu koristeći suptilna vizuelna sredstava.

A WOMAN, Adel Oberto, Italy - Grand Prix
Jury chose to give the Grand prix award to the film “A Woman”. The author managed to skillfully build up awareness towards the difficult position of women in contemporary society by using refined visual means.

Nagrada za najbolji domaći film – plaketa “MISTER VORKY”
Award for the Best Serbian Film – plaque “MISTER VORKY”
EMPIRE, REMAKE, Relja Mirković, Srbija, 2015, Experimentalni film

CARSTVO, RIMEJK, Relja Mirković, Srbija – Nagrada za najbolji srpski film

Žiri je izabrao film “Carstvo, rimejk” za nagradu za najbolji srpski film zbog svog razigranog pristupa u promišljanju kodova jednog filma koji je svakako postao klasik filmske avangarde.

EMPIRE, REMAKE, Relja Mirković, Serbia–Award for the Best Serbian film

Jury chose "Empire, Remake" as the Best Serbian film award because of its playful approach in rethinking the codes of a film which has certainly become a classic in Avantgarde cinema.

Nagrada za najbolji strani film – plaketa “MISTER VORKY”
Award for the Best Foreign Film – plaque “MISTER VORKY”
WAITING, Aaron Longoria, United States,2015, Experimental film
ČEKANJE – Nagrada za najbolji strani film

Žiri je izabrao ovaj film kao najbolji strani film zbog svog snažnog i  delotvornog iskaza o stanju ljudske krhkosti. Autor uspeva da prenese svoju poruku koristeći jednostavnu i efikasnu filmsku naraciju.

WAITING - Award for the Best Foreign Film

Jury chose „Waiting“ as the Best foreign film because of its strong and effective statement on the state of human fragility. The author succeeds in conveying his message through a simple and effective film narrative.

Nagrada žirija publike za najbolji film - diploma “MISTER VORKY”
Audience jury award for the Best Film - diploma “MISTER VORKY”
MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I'VE EVER SEEN, Javier F. Espadas, Spain, 2015, Fiction film

Međunarodni žiri dodelio je 3 specijalna priznanja (diplome) za sledeće filmove:
International jury choose three special awards (diplomas) for next films:
[ ]a.k.a "Je suis DaDA" , Rick Niebe, Italy, 2016, Experimental film
[ ]a.k.a "Je suis DaDA", Rick Niebe, Italija

Za najbolji eksperimentalni film "[]" zbog domišljatosti i smisla za humor sa kojima se autor, Rik Niebe, bavi pitanjima preteranih znakova i slika sa kojima smo suočeni u našim društvima, što često dovodi do haosa u komunikaciji i nesporazuma vrednih žaljenja.

[ ]a.k.a "Je suis DaDA", Rick Niebe, Italy

For  the Best experimental film " [ ] "for the inventiveness and sense of humor with which the author, Rick Niebe, tackles the issues of overabundance of signals and images we are confronted with in our societies, which often leads to chaos in communication and regrettable misunderstandings.

TROPICAL SOLITUDE, Eduardo Matsuzaki, Brazil, 2015, Documentary film
TROPSKA USAMLJENOST, Eduardo Matsuzaki, Brazil

Za najbolji dokumentarni film žiri je izabrao "Tropsku usamljenost", intimnu pesmu koja se bavi odnosom između ličnih iskustava i prostora, kao i vremena. Autor je uspeo da suptilno pomeša evokativne slike sa njegovim ličnim mislima.

TROPICAL SOLITUDE, Eduardo Matsuzaki, Brasil

For best documentary film the Jury chose "Tropical solitude", an intimate poem that deals with the relation between personal experiences and space, as well as time. The author succeeded in subtly blending evocative images with his personal thoughts.

BUILD UP ANGER, Guy Shahaf, Israel, 2014, Animation film

POBESNETI, Guy Shahaf, Izrael

Za najbolji animirani film žiri je izabrao "Pobesneti" zbog vešto izrađenog i fino strukturisanog ritma i dinamike grafičke slike, pametno se igrajući sa vremenskim ograničenjem od 60 sekundi.

BUILD UP ANGER, Guy Shahaf, Israel

For the Best animated film the Jury chose "Build up Anger" because of its skilfully crafted and fine structuring of rhythm and dynamics in graphic images, smartly playing with the constraint of a 60 seconds time length.

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