четвртак, 28. мај 2015.




Marko Kostić rođen je u Beogradu 6. juna 1973. Diplomirao je Filmsku i TV režiju na FDU. Režira dokumentarne, eksperimentalne, kratke i televizijske filmove. Bavi se kritikom i esejistikom za novine, časopise i televiziju, drži tribine i predavanja u vezi sa filmom i kulturom, a režira i u pozorištu. Njegov prvi celovečernji igrani film Princ od papira prikazan je na više od sedamdeset internacionalnih festivala na kojima je trinaest puta nagrađivan. 

Marko Kostić was born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, on June 6, 1973. He graduated in film and television direction from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts of Belgrade University. He has directed several documentaries, experimental and short films. He is also a film critic and essayist for newspapers, magazines and television and also lectures and directs in the theatre. His first feature film The Paper Prince was screened at more than seventy international film festival and won a total of thirteen awards.



Rođen 1960. u Beogradu. Diplomirao na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu 1986. na Katedri za filmsku i TV montažu. Filmskom kritikom i esejistikom se kontinuirano bavi od 1982. godine. Na filmskom festival u u Puli, 1989. godine nagrađen Zlatnom arenom za montažu, za rad u filmu Kako je propao rock ‘n’ roll. Zaposlen na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu od 1990. godine, danas u zvanju redovnog profesora na katedri za montažu. 


Ekin Kazan was born in Ankara. During his childhood, his passion for cameras was started by his father's handy cam. He had a chance to study finance at the college but he rather choose to study visual communication and advertisement than economy in Bilkent University. During his university years,he concentrated to photography and video production and than he started to visualize stories ongoing projects. He did also work in many commercial film productions in İstanbul for global brands and many other filming projects as an assistant director, videographer with popular directors from Turkey and other countries in Europe.  Experience was gained by these big sets. Currently he is working as an in house director at TGIF Production in Ankara,Turkey. 

TONI ŠARIĆ (Hrvatska)

Rođen 1973. u Vinkovcima. Organizirao preko 200 koncerata, književnih tribina, izložbi u Vinkovcima. Svirao bubnjeve u garage-soul bandu Thee Knuckleheads. Od 2007. osnivač i direktor Festivala dokumentarnog rock filma DORF, te predsjednik Udruge ljubitelja filma RARE Vinkovci. Član žirija na nekoliko regionalnih filmskih festivala (Grossmann, Cinedays...).

Zvanične nagrade Festivala su:
Grand Prix za najbolji film festivala – plaketa “MISTER VORKY”
Nagrada za najbolji domaći film – plaketa “MISTER VORKY”
Nagrada za najbolji strani film – plaketa “MISTER VORKY”
Nagrada žirija publike za najbolji film - diploma “MISTER VORKY”
Međunarodni žiri može izabrati do tri specijalna priznanja (diplome), za određene kategorije.

Official Festival awards are:
Grand Prix for the Best Film – plaque “MISTER VORKY”
Award for the Best Serbian Film – plaque “MISTER VORKY”
Award for the Best Foreign Film – plaque “MISTER VORKY”
Audience jury award for the Best Film - diploma “MISTER VORKY”
International jury can choose to three special awards (diplomas) for certain film categories.

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