недеља, 15. март 2015.

Rules and regulations

                                                   MISTER VORKY
                         2nd International Festival of One Minute Film
                                              5th till 7th June 2015
                                                      Ruma, Serbia

Rules and regulations:

1. Mister Vorky is an International Festival of One Minute Film, which promotes the best one
minute films from all continents. Organizer of the Festival is Independent Film Center Vorky Team
which in this way pays tribute to the great Serbian-American film artists Slavko Vorkapich.
2. Second edition of the Festival will be held in Ruma from 5th till 7th of June 2015.
3. Goal of the Festival is a presentation of author films of the shortest form and all genres of the
seventh art (fiction, animation, documentary…)
4. Submitted films must have length to maximum 60 seconds (one minute), together with opening
and closing titles (in exceptional cases it may be tolerated that film has closing titles which prolongs
complete film longer than one minute). Films produced in the period of 2013 to 2015 are eligible to
5. Festival doesn’t charge any submitting fee or pay screening fee.
6. One author may submit more than one film but each submitted film needs to have separate
application form.
7. Submitted films stays in the Festival Archive and they might be used exclusively in noncommercial
screenings at educational and cultural facilities and related festivals in Serbia, in order
of Festival promotion.
8. Deadline for submitting films is 15th May 2015. All authors which films are selected will be
informed by e-mail till 18th May 2015.
9. Films which are selected for Festival programs (competition and accompanying) must be
delivered via link for download in .mp4 (H264) or .mov format, latest till 22nd May 2015.
10. Films from non-English speaking countries must have English subtitles..
11. Festival has competition and accompanying (non-competition) program – Panorama.
12. Selector of the Festival is selects films for competition and accompanying program.
13. International jury composed of professionals from the field of cinema decides on Festival
14. Official Festival awards are:
Grand Prix for the Best Film – plaque “MISTER VORKY”
Award for the Best Serbian Film – plaque “MISTER VORKY”
Audience jury award for the Best Film - diploma “MISTER VORKY”
International jury can choose to three special awards (diplomas) for certain film categories.
Organizer holds the right to increase prize fund depending on resources of the Festival.

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