четвртак, 5. децембар 2013.

Rules and propositions


International Festival of the shortest film

Rules and propositions

1. Mister Vorky is an international one-minute film festival, which shows, awards and promotes the best         one-minute films from around the world, is held every year on March 17, organized by the Cinema Club       Vorky Team Ruma
2. The film can not last longer than 60 seconds (1 minute) , the initial and end credits
3. The aim of the festival is the display of copyright movies, all types (fiction, documentary, animation,               cartoon, music, experimental, advertising ... all art forms that worked Slavko Vorkapich - Mister Vorky )     from around the world
4. The festival has a competition and accompanying program
5. The festival has a selector and an international Jury consisting of eminent film professionals
6. One author may submit more than one film, if they match conditions of the contest, the same report
7. To sign and view films do not pay the fee, no fee
8. Submitted films remain in the archives of the Festival , and can be used for non-commercial screenings to       educational institutions, arts organizations and institutions, similar festivals in other cities in Serbia, for             educational purposes and to promote the Festival
9. The deadline for submission , submission , the film is 1 March , in 2014. midnight
10. Films can be in any format, and delivered exclusively on the link to download the movie 
      E - mail address to which to send the link: mistervorky@gmail.com
11. Films that are not in English must be subtitled in English
12. In the main program involves 45 films
13. Official award are
     - Jury awards : Grand Prix - the statue of the "MISTER VORKY "
     - Audience Jury Award : Grand Prix - Diploma " MISTER VORKY "
14. In an accompanying program involved all the films that were not part of the main program, under the             motto SALOON rejected.

      The organizer kept the right to enrich prize money, depending on funding.

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