уторак, 30. мај 2017.


• petak, 2. jun • KC
20.00 Otvaranje Festivala Mister Vorky • mala dvorana
20.30 Takmičarski program • mala dvorana
21.45 Otvaranje izložbe “Vorkapić-crteži” i koktel • mali hol

• subota, 3. jun • KC, Gradska biblioteka
16.00 Predavanje: Vorkapić, Vinaver i srpski avangardni film, Božidar Zečević, filmolog • mala dvorana
18.00 Predavanje: Večna gerila: suprotstavljene interpretacije Drugog svetskog rata u Jugoslaviji na igranom filmu (1941–1991), Goran Miloradović, član žirija • Gradska biblioteka “Atanasije Stojković”
19.00 Prezentacija: Centar Novih Tehnologija • mala dvorana
20.00 Takmičarski program II • mala dvorana
21.30 Film iznenađenja, tema festivala “Novac i film”, selektor Marko Kostić • mala dvorana
22.00 Koncert: Cefalni atentat (Ruma) • Dom omladine

• nedelja, 4. jun • KC
17.00 Film iznenađenja, tema festivala “Novac i film”, selektor Marko Kostić • mala dvorana
18.00 Prezentacija: članica žirija Sunčica Fradelić (Hrvatska) i član žirija Radoy Nikolov (Bugarska) • mala dvorana
20.30 Proglašenje pobednika Festivala Mister Vorky • mala dvorana
21.00 Film iznenađenja, tema festivala “Novac i film”, selektor Marko Kostić • mala dvorana

• Friday, 2nd June • Cultural Centre
20.00 Opening of the Mister Vorky festival • small venue
20.30 Competition Programme I • small venue
21.45 Opening exhibition “Vorkapich-drawings” and cocktail • small hall

• Saturday, 3rd June • Cultural Centre, Town Library
16.00 Lecture: Vorkapich, Vinaver and Serbian Avant-Garde Film, Božidar Zečević, filmologist • small venue
18.00 Lecture: Eternal Guerilla: opposing interpretations of the Second World War in Yugoslavia on film (1941–1991),
Goran Miloradović, jury member • Town Library “Atanasije Stojković”
19.00 Presentation: Center of New Technologies • small venue
20.00 Competition Programme II • small venue
21.30 Surprise Film, theme of the festival “Money and Film”, by selector Marko Kostić • small venue
22.00 Concert: Cefalni atentat (Ruma) • Youth Center

• Sunday, 4th June • Cultural Centre
17.00 Surprise Film, theme of the festival “Money and Film” • small venue
18.00 Presentation: jury member Sunčica Fradelić (Croatia) and jury member Radoy Nikolov (Bulgaria) • small venue
20.30 Announcing the Winner of the Mister Vorky festival • small venue
21.00 Surprise Film, theme of the festival “Money and Film”, by selector Marko Kostić • small venue

понедељак, 15. мај 2017.


Selektovani filmovi na festivalu MISTER VORKY, 2017

Selected films on the festival MISTER VORKY, 2017

Reč selektora

U okviru takmičarskog programa ovogodišnjeg izdanja festivala Mr Vorky, biće prikazano 105 filmova. Kao i svake godine biće animiranih, dokumentarnih, igranih i eksperimentalnih jednominutnih ostvarenja. Tema ovogodišnjeg pratećeg programa je - novac, ali će biti filmova sa tom temom i u takmičarskoj selekciji. Što se ostalog izbora tiče, veliku pažnju sam posvetio filmovima sa literarnim autorskim pretenzijama, odnosno filmovima koji eksperimentišu sa poezijom, a ne samo sa likovnim shvatanjem filmskog jezika. Ove godine, takvih "filmova poezije" biće više nego do sad. Takođe, selekcija domaćeg, srpskog jednominutnog filma jača je nego ikad pre. Posebno bih preporučio film Tri sestre autora Jelene Spaić i Zorana Đurkovića.
Vidimo se na festivalu!

MARKO KOSTIĆ (filmski reditelj, Beograd)

Selector’s Statement
The main competition program of this year’s festival, Mister Vorky, will screen 105 films. As every year, there will be animated, documentary, fiction, and experimental one-minute films. The theme of this year’s accompanying program is – Money On Film, but there will be also films with the same topic in the competition. In regards to the chosen pieces, I have devoted great attention to the films with literary aspirations of the authors, films that experiment with poetry and not only with visual artistic understanding of the film language. This year, such „poetry pieces“ will be in greater number than before. Also, the selection of domestic, Serbian one-minute film is stronger than ever before. I would particularly recommend the film The Three Sisters by Jelena Spaic and Zoran Djurkovic.
See you at the festival!

Marko Kostic (film director, Belgrade)


  1. AIR BEGGARS, Director: Mira Lane United States, 2016,Experimental film

  2. .littletrip, Director: Luis Ales,Portugal, 2016, Animated film

  3. A MERMAID, Director: Ileana Andrea Gómez Gavinoser, Argentina, 2015, Animated film

  4. NO SENSE, Director: Ileana Andrea Gómez Gavinoser,Argentina, 2016, Animated film

  5. TEARror, Director: Mr Joshua Ngiam, Singapore, 2017, Animated film

  6. OUR SG DOLLAR, Director:  Mr Joshua Ngiam,  Singapore 2017, Animated film

  7. I CANT REMEMBER YOUR NAME, Director: H. C. Turk, United States, 2015, Animated film

  8. JOURNEY/PUTOVANJE, Režija/Director: Tara Vulović, Srbija, 2017, Eksperimentalni film/ Experimental film

  9. WINTER, Director: Malas Twins,  Syrian Arab Republic, 2016, Fiction film

  10. THE INSPECTIVE MACHINE, Director: Jorge Mario Zuleta, Costa Rica, 2016, Experimental film

  11. OUTSIDE MARXS DOG, Director: Jorge Mario Zuleta,  Costa Rica, 2016, Experimental film

  12. FOGETTE, Director:  Jorge Mario Zuleta, Costa Rica, 2016, Experimental film

  13. RESILIENCE,  Director:  Jorge Mario Zuleta, Costa Rica, 2016, Experimental film

  1. mOksh, Director: Abhinav Vats Schamber,  United States, 2017, Experimental film

  2. TAKE 2, Director: Enrique Ortega,  Spain, 2017, Fiction film

  3. THE AIRPLANE, Director: Jesús Martínez Nota& Jotoni, Spain, 2016,Animated film

  4. BeeBoy, Directors: Sadko Hadžihasanović&Hanna Jovin, Canada, 2016, Animated film

  5. ME INSPIRING DEATH, Director:  Dimitar Dimitrov, Bulgaria, 2016, Animated film

  6. KANSAY’S GLORIUS DEATH, Director: Chris Sagovac, United States,2016, Animated film

  7. ORANGE, Director: Maximilien Luc Proctor, Germany, 2016, Experimental film

  8. THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA, Director: Clyde James Aragon, United States, 2016, Experimental film

  9. THE LIGHT IN THE DARK, Directors: Victoriia  Džaparidze & Kseniia Belčenko, Russian Federation, 2017, Animated film

  10. ES MÜ Z’ÄNG, Director: Lalita Brunner, Switzerland, 2015, Animated film

  11. THE ONE SURE THING, Režija/Director: Bogdan Bošnjak, Hrvatska, 2016, Igrani film/ Fiction  film

  1. MEAL, Director: Coalfather Industries, United States, 2016, Experimental film

  2. POSITION, Director: Vladimir Bayandin, Russian Federation, 2017, Fiction film

  1. DARKER THAN BLACK, Director:  Hassan Mokhtari, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2017, Animated film

  2. PLEASE SEE ME, Director: Hassan Mokhtari, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2017, Fiction film

  1. BROKEN HEART, Director: Scott Ennis, United States, 2016, Experimental film

  2. CHANGING CARS, Director: Levi White, United States, 2017, Animated film

  3. WHERE IS HOME?, Director: Asad Nazari, Sweden, 2016, Experimental film

  4. PAILLETTE, Director: Danit Elgev, Netherlands, 2015, Experimental film

  5. SZPILMAN’S PIANO, Director: Tosh Leykum, Germany, 2017, Documentary film

  6. RAIN, Director: Motahareh Ahmadpour, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2017, Animated film

  1. MAKE MUSIC, NOT WAR, Directors: Denys Kushnarov& Oles Seredytskyi, Ukraine, 2015, Documentary film

  2. THERE IS A PLACE, Director: Denys Kushnarov, Ukraine, 2016, Documentary film

  3. OBSERVER, Director: José Paulo Santos, Portugal, 2017, Fiction film

  4. AMNESIA, Director: Gala Shiyan, Russian Federation, 2016, Fiction film

  5. HARIHARA JEWELERS AD, Director: Vamshi Krishna Kandukuri, India, 2015, Advertising film

  1. RUSH, Director: Molly Brown, United Kingdom, 2017, Experimental film

  2. ENTANGLED, Director: Jenae Hall, Australia, 2016, Animated film

  3. HAPPETIZER, Director: Vera Sebert, Austria, 2016, Experimental film

  4. OVER, Director: José David Apel, Argentina, 2016, Fiction film

  5. SHADOWS OF A RADIO IN THE EAST, Director: Nacho Recio, Spain, 2016, Experimental film

  1. OBSERVATION OF HAWKS IN THE SKY, Director: Daniel Asadi Faezi, Pakistan, 2016,Experimental film

  2. UTOPIA, Director: Daniel Zagórski, Poland, 2015, Animated film

  3. THE LAST MINUTE, Director: Anae Bilodeau, Canada, 2015, Animated film

  4. #9 DICEN DE TODO (They say a little bit of everything), Director: Elena Saenz, Spain, 2016, Experimental film

  1. NIGHT NIGHT, Director: Golnaz Moghaddam, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2016, Animated film

  1. CASCABEL, Director: Ignacio F. Rodó, Spain, 2016, Fiction film

  2. THE LINE, Director: Hamid Borzooey, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2017, Animated film

  3. KITSUNE, Director: Guillermo P. Bosch, Spain, 2016, Animated film

  4. BEINGS OF NATURE, Directors: Cristina Barriguete & Joaquín Murad, Spain, 2016, Dance film

  5. 3 SESTRE/ 3 SISTERS, Režija/Directors: Jelena Spaić i Zoran Đurković, Srbija, 2016,  Eksperimentalni film/ Experimental film

  6. BLACKBOARD, Director: Reza Golchin, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2016, Experimental film

  1. MELTING POP, Director: Alexandre Dubosc, France, 2015, Animated film

  2. EARLY WISH (NOT A BALLERINA), Director: Hetty van Oordt, Netherlands, 2016, Animated film

  3. THE IDEAL CRASH, Director: Roberto Voorbij, Netherlands. 2015, Experimental film


  5. THE VIEW, Director: Diana Kasem, Syrian Arab Republic, 2016, Experimental film

  6. WINTER, Director: Ji Yoon Chung, Germany, 2017, Animated film

  7. BUN BUN BLAST, Director: Drake Tuura, Canada, 2017, Animated film

  8. ARMACEDON, Director: Bruno Veljanovski, 2016, Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, Fiction film

  9. MIND, Director: Samuel Carrillo, Mexico, 2017, Animated film

  10. SAISUNEE, Director: Oradol Kaewprasert, Thailand, 2016, Documentary film

  11. THE P.S. BOTOXBABE MACHINE, Director: Janetta Abbenbroek, Netherlands, 2017,Animated film

  12. CHILDRENS RIGHT, Director: Solmaz Etemad, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2017, Experimental film

  1. ALONE VIDEO, Director: Robert Burks, United States, 2016, Fiction film

  2. SANDMAN, Director: Joseph Monahan, United Kingdom, 2015, Fiction film

  3. SOFAHOLIC, Director: Nicolás Petelski, Spain, 2016, Animated film

  4. THE FINE LINE BETWEEN SELF CONTROL AND SELF ABUSE, Director: Kathryn Olson, United States, 2016, Animated film

  5. OPEN YOUR MIND JUST A MINUTE, Director: Rudi Uran, Slovenia, 2015, Experimental film

  6. THE AMUSEMENT PARK, Director: Baining Ku, United States, 2016, Experimental film

  7. DANCING CUBED, Director: Tony Prieto, United States, 2017, Experimental film

  8. BERLIN REMIXED, Director: Luis Bezeta, Spain, 2016, Experimental film

  9. UNHAPPY ANIMAL, Director: Robert David Duncan, Canada, 2016, Experimental film

  10. MACROICARUS, Director: Viktor Hertz, Sweden, 2017, Experimental film

  11. STUDIES OF LIFE, Director: Rahim Moledina, United Kingdom, 2017, Experimental film

  12. SOLAR FISHING, Director: Gilles Vuillard, France, 2016, Experimental film

  13. MISANDVENTURES OF MOROCCAN (ACTOR), Director: Rogelio Sastre,Spain, 2016, Fiction film

  1. MISSING, Director: Rahim Moledina, United Kingdom, 2017, Experimental film

  2. FOUNDATIONS, Director: Rahim Moledina, United Kingdom, 2017, Experimental film

  3. WONT RECORD, Director: Rahim Moledina, United Kingdom, 2017, Experimental film

  4. EXPERIMENTAL NO.3/SPIRITS PASSING THROUGH MY HOME, Director: Atton Paul, United States, 2017, Experimental film

  5. BLOGAVISTA, Director: Zachary Weinstein, United States, 2016, Animated film

  6. ARISTMENA’S GALLERY ROOM, Director: Jorjesús, Spain,2017, Experimental film

  7. THE LAST NIGHT OF THE RUSSIAN MONARCHY, Director: Yana Uvarova, Russian Federation, 2017, Experimental film

  8. NIGHTMARE ENDLESS, Director: Jorge F. de Souza, Brazil, 2015,  Animated film

  9. ČOVEK/ THE MAN, Režija/Director: Marko Mutavdžić, Srbija,2017, Igrani film/ Fiction film

  10. VIDEO015, Režija/Director: Petar Vakić, Srbija, 2017, Eksperimentalni film/ Experimental film

  11. GDE MUZIKA POČINJE /WHERE THE MUSIC BEGINS, Režija/Director: Vladimir Antić,Srbija, 2017, Igrani film/ Fiction film

  12. PUPI/ BUDDING, Režija/Director: Zoran Đurković, Srbija, 2016, Eksperimentalni film/ Experimental film

  13. IMAGINATION FOCUS, Režija/Director: Nebojša Rudić, Srbija, 2017, Eksperimentalni film/ Experimental film

  14. LOW COST, Director: Adrian Cuesta, Spain, 2017, Fiction film

  15. MEKNES HAIKUS, Director: Bommenel Yves, France, 2016, Eksperimentalni film/ Experimental film

  16. EFECTO TUNEL, Director: Teresa Marcos. Spain, 2017, Igrani film/ Fiction film

  17. MAD CINEMA, Director: David, Valverde Martínez, Spain, 2016, Experimental film

  18. INTERFERENCIA/INTERFERENCE, Director: Pablo García Sanz, Spain, 2016, Fiction film

  19. OVISNOST/ADDICTION, Režija/Director: Luka Padežanin, Hrvatska, 2017, Igrani film/ Fiction film

  20. A LITTLE BEETLE/“patara xoWo”, Director: Elene Sebiskveradze, Georgia (Gruzija), 2017, Animated film

  21. K, Director: Rick Niebe, Italia, 2017, Experimental film

  22. FRUITLYMPICS, Director: Andre Maat, Netherlands, 2016, Experimental film

  23. JOE VS JOE, Director: Juno Hymaen, United States, 2016, Experimental film

  24. PODIUM – ABBR. Director: Helvecio Parente, Brazil, 2016, Advertising film

  25. THE AUTHOR, Director: Elvert Bañares, Philippines, 2017, Fiction film


Sunčica Fradelić (Split, Hrvatska)
Diplomirala slikarstvo na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Splitu gde je radila je kao spoljni saradnik u zvanju asistenta na katedri za Film i video. Do 2016. bila je glavna saradnica Bele Tarra na vođenju film.factory programa u Sarajevu na kojem je je pohađala radionice na doktorskom programu. Kino klub Split vodi od 2008. godine, a od 2011. je i predsednica udruženja. Radila je na brojnim amaterskim i profesionalnim produkcijama, koprodukcijama i projektima kao kreativna direktorka, izdavač, urednica, mentorka, producent…

Suncica Fradelic (Split, Croatia)
Graduated painting at the Art Academy in Split where she worked as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Film and Video. Till 2016 she was the principal associate of Bela Tarr on running the film.factory Ph.D. program in Sarajevo and attended workshops at the doctoral program. She has been running Kino klub Split since 2008, and since 2011 she is president of the association. She has worked on numerous amateur and professional productions, co-productions and projects as creative director, publisher, editor, mentor, producer…

Radoy Nikolov (Sofija, Bugarska)
Magistrirao i doktorirao filmsku i TV režiju na NATFA (Nacionalnoj akademiji za pozorišnu i filmsku umetnost „Sarafov Kr.“ – Sofija, Bugarska). Radio je kao režiser i kreativni producent na filmovima, serijama, TV emisijama, reklamama… Njegov kratki film „TIR“ (2005) osvojio je nekoliko nagrada na međunarodnim festivalima – Royal Television Society London, najbolji postdiplomski film, 18. Filmski festival u Trstu, 13. Međunarodni festival filmskih i televizijskih škola, Lođ, Poljska… Voli da igra tenis.

Radoy Nikolov (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Has an MA and Ph.D. diploma in Film and TV directing from the NATFA (National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts “Kr. Sarafov ” – Sofia, Bulgaria). He worked as a director and creative producer for films, series, TV shows, commercials… His short film “TIR” (2005) has won several awards at international festivals – Royal Television Society London, Best Postgraduate film, 18.Trieste Film Festival, 13th International Film and Television Schools Festival, Lodz, Poland… He likes to play tennis.

Goran Miloradović (Beograd, Srbija)
Diplomirao i doktorirao na studijskoj grupi za istoriju Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Zaposlen je u Institutu za savremenu istoriju u Beogradu u zvanju višeg naučnog saradnika. Bavi se temama iz istorije srednje i istočne Evrope: Rusije/SSSR-a, Jugoslavije… Posebnu pažnju posvećuje istoriji ideja i ideologija, društvenoj i kulturnoj istoriji. Istraživanju prošlosti pristupa na multidisciplinaran i komparativan način, neretko koristeći atipične istorijske izvore i savremene metodološke pristupe.

Goran Miloradovic (Belgrade, Serbia)
He graduated and received Ph. D. In history at Philosophical Faculty in Belgrade. He works at the Institute for Contemporary History in Belgrade as a senior research fellow. He deals with topics from the history of Central/Eastern Europe: Russia/USSR, Yugoslavia… Particular attention in his work is devoted to the history of ideas and ideologies, social and cultural history. His approaches to research of the past are multidisciplinary and comparative, often using atypical sources and contemporary methodological approaches.



Marko Kostić rođen je u Beogradu 6. juna 1973. Diplomirao je Filmsku i TV režiju na FDU. Režira dokumentarne, eksperimentalne, kratke i televizijske filmove. Bavi se kritikom i esejistikom za novine, časopise, televiziju i svoj blog, drži tribine i predavanja u vezi sa filmom i kulturom, a režira i u pozorištu. Njegov prvi celovečernji igrani film Princ od papira prikazan je na više od sedamdeset internacionalnih festivala na kojima je trinaest puta nagrađivan. 

Marko Kostić was born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, on June 6, 1973. He graduated in film and television direction from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts of Belgrade University. He has directed several documentaries, experimental and short films. He is also a film critic and essayist for newspapers, magazines, television and his own blog and also lectures and directs in the theatre. His first feature film The Paper Prince was screened at more than seventy international film festival and won a total of thirteen awards.